Sunday, April 21, 2013


'Bonds' the most appropriate word I can think of for how I feel when it comes to relations and therefore also fits the mood of this post (or the state of my mind). 
More often than not, in spite of living in a free country, I can vouch that most of us feel enslaved. Some fearless leaders of our country, managed freedom from foreign control in the past, but who will the brave leaders of freeing us from moral policing. It is fairly easy to talk of freedom, but how many of us truly feel free from societal norms.
To me relationships nowadays seem more like a burden (I wonder if you feel the same). Its like every relation I have (or wish to have) will first have to get the societal approval. Freedom to create soothing and free relationships seems like a distant dream, especially in this country, which by the way happens to be one of the largest democracy in the world. 
India, with all its cultural ethnicity  seems to be divided in such small pieces that bringing them to one burden free nation will take a several centuries (at least by the looks of what I have experienced till now). These pseudo-morals are so deep rooted in most of us, that every time we try to make a relation, we only end up regretting it (because the other protagonist in most our perfect little stories has fallen prey to these 'pseudo-morals').
People are so obsessed with possessing you in all the 'wrong' ways. Possession i believe isn't bad at all, it gives you a sense of being 'really' wanted by someone but trying to own emotions and a persons free mind, then calling it 'I care for you possession' is not only unacceptable but very suffocating.
Isn't love just friendship set on fire? If we can have a zillion friends and the same is completely acceptable, why is having only one-committed 'love' so over-rated? Can we not have fire set on various friendships at the same time? Cant human beings have connections with just more than one single person? Being humans and having so many shortcomings, why should a person be forced to accept only one person to share all their emotions. I do not advocate infidelity or cheating, but if we look at 'love' so narrowly, then loving your mother and your mothers sister (aunt/masi)  would also in a way be cheating on your love for your mother.?
If we find all the peace in the world in only one face, we may stick to it, but what if we don't  Should the society decide for us, if we should for the fear of being judged be miserable or if not miserable, at least suppress our emotions. People after years of being together with one person, suddenly flip out and make bonds beside that single person (and hide it for fear of a judgmental society . We all judge them, but who has looked at every single moment they have spent together to really judge them! Have we ever lived their story? May be the connection died or some solace they find not in their partner but a different person. Have you ever felt unimaginably comfortable with a person you are not obliged to commit to? If yes, ever wondered why?
Well until we are genuinely free, the only option is to enjoy these Bonds (with all the secrets flights we take, when someone comes and lets you spread your wings)
P.S. - All references to connections referred above are purely emotional.